TMC Southern

2893 days ago

Rob Terry's Quob Park Ponzi gets into Crowdfunding with delisted Daniel Stewart

You could not make this up but fraudster Rob Terry is getting into crowdfunding working alongside Peter Shea, the boss of disgraced ex AIM Casino listed China fraud specialist Daniel Stewart (DAN). It was, of course, Daniel Cesspit that listed Quindell on a fraudulent prospectus and signed off of the fraudulent deals with TMC Southern, that conjured up entirely fictitious profits for Quenron in 2011. The SFO will sooner or later arrest Terry and he's going to jail, but it seems as if Shea is determined to implicate himself by association.


3012 days ago

TMC Southern, Quindell, fraud and the Companies House Mystery

I exposed the massive panama pump fraud at TMC Southern and Quindell (QPP) back in August 2014 and Quindell/Watchstone (WTG) now admits I was 100% right - having first said it would sue me for libel. It would be appreciated if the new management might apologise for that. Now we have some answers as to why TMC has not been struck off despite now being late on THREE sets of accounts. Companies house and I have swapped emails.


3018 days ago

TMC Southern - the mega Quindell fraud of 2011 now overdue 3 sets of accounts

The fraud that created nearly all of the fictional profits reported by Quindell (QPP) in 2011 was the panama pump involving Mark Ford's TMC Southern. I exposed it HERE in August 2014, got a fascist lawyers letter in response, and Quindell admitted that my allegations were correct in the summer of 2015. But still Rob Terry and his pal Mark Fraud are trying to cover up this ford. Check out Companies House HERE


3149 days ago

TMC Southern – Rob Terry and Mark Ford try to cover up a big Quindell fraud – it won’t wash with the SFO

The fraud Quindell (QMC) has now formally admitted – what I proved well over a year ago and the FCA & AIM Regulation opted to ignore – that Mark Ford’s company TMC Southern was used to create totally bogus profits for Quindell in 2011. In fact its £3.5 million fraudulent contribution – funded by a panama pump of shares – accounted for nearly all the stated £4.1 million profit.  It seems that Rob Terry and Mark Ford are working hard to “bury” this bad news. It will not wash with the Serious Fraud Office.


3226 days ago

Quindell & the TMC fraud that created 140% of stated 2011 profits – much more for Lord Michael Howard to consider

The most blatant and biggest (in relative terms) fraud at Quindell (QPP) concerns the TMC Southern panama pump which created 140% of the reported Quenron profits in the 15 months to December 31 2011. Lord Michael Howard has confirmed that the new board is aware of this monster fraud as are the SFO and FCA and other regulatory bodies. But to demonstrate the duplicity involved I bring you more detail.


3228 days ago

BREAKING: Lord Michael Howard responds re Quindell – the board is now looking at 2011 fraud TMC Southern

Over the past two days I have written twice to Lord Michael Howard, the former Tory leader and now NED at Quindell pushing him to investigate the biggest (relative to reported profits) fraud in Quindell History, the 2011 TMC Southern panama pump. And today the good Lord has replied – the board is on the case! Hooray. The latest exchange of emails between myself and Lord Howard, a politician showing real integrity is below:  


3447 days ago

What would I do next if I was Rob Terry of Quindell?

Mr 2+2 can = 5 is my opponent. I seek to expose fraud on the AIM Casino. Rob Terry has engaged in wholesale fraud from the day Quindell (QPP) joined AIM via a RTO on April 28th 2011. Within weeks he was buying a worthless shell company from his lawyers Blake Lapthorne for £150,000 in order to inflate Quindell’s profits by hiding legal costs. And TMC Southern was selling shares gifted to it by Quindell in order to fund bogus purchases from Quindell which ended up being responsible for more than 100% of Quindell group profits in 2011. The frauds and lies have got bigger since but now the game is up as lies are exposed and the shares are tanking. So what is Rob thinking now?

Mr Terry knows that the game is almost over. At some stage within months the shares will be suspended or at 0p and Mr Terry will be “helping with enquiries” – it is just a matter of when as I explain graphically HERE.


3498 days ago

A No win conversation with Bulletin Board Morons & why be in business

One of the joys of being a Bulletin Board Moron is that you and your pals can attack me – rather than asking Rob Terry about the TMC Southern Panama Pump -  in two 100% contradictory ways. Yesterday saw a classic, but it kind of reminded me that running a business is not 100% about the bottom line.

The usual Bulletin Board Moron contradictory attack is to say “TW is just a failed fund manager, crap tipster, deranged and unhinged and bitter man so no =one pays any attention to what he says.” There then follows a long discussion (ignoring the actual facts about my tipping record and accusing me of tipping stocks I have never written about) and then moving onto my latest article how it has hit the share price and how I need to be reported to the FCA. So while everyone ignores me because I am crap, I am responsible for the share price tanking. Er…..  For someone who believes that 2+2 can = 5 I guess that those statements are not contradictory.

Yesterday’s two pronged attack started with a post here from some cretin


3529 days ago

Quindell – The Two Questions about the interims a bull must ask

I emain ungagged despite the Orwellian legal threats made by Rob Terry & Quindell (QPP). Naturally the question I want answered by Quindell was which company was the 41% customer in 2011 – was it TMC Southern?. To see why that is critical and a potential nuclear landmine for Rob Terry read HERE. But there are two pressing questions anyone still daft enough to own Quindell shares must ask from the interims released yesterday.


3529 days ago

Why is TMC Southern not declared as a related party to Quindell in 2011

In yesterday’s half-baked attempted rebuttal of my recent allegations against Quindell (QPP) the company inadvertently let something critical out of the bag and it now begs a quite enormous question about the 2011 accounts. I refer to TMC Southern.

I had stated that Rob Terry was old pals of the management at BASL which was bought for £8.2 million in June 2011. That is because Quindell had asserted in its original RNS:  “

"A 10 year long business relationship also exists between the vendors of BASL and key members of the company’s management team

I wrongly believed that to be Rob Terry and accept that it was not. Quindell makes clear that the 10 year relationship is with Mark Ford.


3534 days ago

Quindell & Himex – just a bit of background

You thought Quindell (QPP) had gagged me with its threats? You misjudge me badly. When Quindell’s lawyers have read this please would they remember to ask your clients “did TMC contribute 41% of 2011 Quindell Turnover?” Think disclosure and bring on the legals, bitchez! Tomorrow I shall comment on the interims and then my wife arrives at the Greek hovel for our wedding anniversary week and I largely down tools until September. But for now I have started looking at Quindell’s biggest acquisition Himex. By way of background…

Himex was started in 2012 by Hassan Sadiq and his Mrs, Elizabeth Dawson, with a mysterious backer DCD Holdings. They invested less than £10,000 to start it up. DCD invested £4000 and its stake at the time Quindell bought out the final Himex shares was valued at £60 million


3534 days ago

Quindell – what Percent of 2011 sales came from the covert sale of Quindell shares? Almost 50%? And More than 100% of profits?

Quindell concedes that in 2011 one customer accounted for 41% of revenue. In Gotham City’s detailed report on Quindell (QPP) it stated that this customer was SMI Telecom. That was the one point where Quindell stated explicitly that Gotham was wrong. For indeed I bet you £5 (that is not £2 + £2, but £5 in case Rob Terry wants to take the bet) that this company was TMC Southern and that this means that 41% of Quindell’s sales were simply round-tripped proceeds of the sale of Quindell shares. Let me explain.


3534 days ago

Quindell Red Flag of the day (it’s a big one) – TMC (Southern)

Gosh this is complicated. The Quindell (QPP) relationship with TMC Southern owned by Mark Ford (see HERE and HERE) is incredibly hard to untangle but one thing is clear: the numbers just do not stack up. Annual returns and reports conflict and there is an awful lot of cash which seems to have gone somewhere? Where? Read on…

The annual report for TMC Southern for the year ended 28 April 2011 is HERE

The 2012 Annual Report for TMC Southern is HERE

Please look at the balance sheet in the 2011 report. Is there anything missing? Er…yes.
